Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala?

Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala?

Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala – The eyes of Lord Venkateswara were once covered in golden cloth, a tradition that started with the sage Agastya. The reason for the covering is not entirely clear, but some say it has to do with Lord Venkateswara’s power to see into the past, present, and future. Today, the eyes are still covered in most of the temples in Tirumala but can be seen for a short time during the annual festival of Tirupati.

Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala

The Story of Lord Venkateswara Temple

According to legend, when Lord Venkateswara was born, his eyes were covered with a cloth to protect them from the sun. As he grew older, his parents decided to remove the cloth and expose his beautiful eyes to the world.

The story of how Lord Venkateswara’s eyes were exposed is a fascinating one. According to one legend, when Lord Venkateswara was bathing in a river, a fish jumped out of the water and into his mouth. The surprised deity spits out the fish and it landed in front of his eyes. The fish’s scales reflected the sunlight and dazzled him. His parents decided to cover his eyes for protection.

Another story tells of a hunter who found Lord Venkateswara sleeping on a mountain top. The hunter mistook the deity for an animal and shot an arrow at him with the intent to kill him. But instead of hitting Lord Venkateswara, the arrow stuck in the ground next to him. When Lord Venkateswara woke up and saw the hunter standing over him with an arrow drawn, he smiled and asked why he was shooting at an animal that was already dead. The astonished hunter explained that he

Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala

The eyes of Lord Venkateswara, located at Tirumala Venkateswara Temple in India, are covered in a special cloth so that the deity can see nothing but light.

According to legend, this is because the god was once attacked by a demon who threw a burning ball of fire at him. The god used his wisdom and calmness to avoid being blinded and thus was able to defeat his opponent.
The custom of covering the deity’s eyes began during the time of King Kalyanasundaram, who feared that his subjects might become too attached to the divine figure and forget their duties.

It is said that when King Kalyanasundaram learned of an incident in which a calf had been abandoned by its herd while visiting the temple, he ordered that the calf be brought to him and put into his own carriage so that he could visit the temple more frequently. Seeing the king’s concern for his people, the Brahmins decided to cover Lord Venkateswara’s eyes as a sign of respect.

The Process of Covering the Eyes of Lord Venkateswara

The eyes of Lord Venkateswara, the presiding deity of Tirumala, were originally covered by a cloth or veil. The exact reason for this remains unknown, but it is believed that the veil was to protect the eyes from harm and to give the deity an appearance of serenity and humility. Today, the veil is still in place, but it is not always visible. When it is not necessary for tourists to see the eyes of Lord Venkateswara, they are usually left uncovered.

The Symbolism Behind the Covered Eyes

The eyes of Lord Venkateswara are one of the most venerated and sacred symbols in Hinduism. The reason for their coverage is not clear, but it may have something to do with the idea that the eyes are the seat of spiritual wisdom. The symbolism of the eyes being covered is also complex and multi-layered. Here are a few reasons why:

1. The eyes are seen as representatives of spiritual knowledge and understanding. When we look into someone’s eyes, we see their soul – which is thought to be the most important part of who they are. This makes them an important symbol of empathy and connection between people.

2. They are seen as gateways to heaven – or, more specifically, to the divine realm known as Siva Linga. When we gaze at Lord Venkateswara’s beautiful eyes, we invite him into our lives and connect with his power and wisdom. In this way, they represent a kind of spiritual gateway into our own nature and potential.

3. The covering of the eyes symbolizes humility – or the realization that we cannot truly understand everything about life or God without first reaching out to him in prayer and

What This Means for pilgrims visiting Tirumala Temple

If you’re one of the countless pilgrims visiting Tirumala Temple each year, chances are you’ve seen the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in a cloth or veil. This custom, known as “Tiruvannamalai darshanam,” is believed to protect the deity’s eyes from sunlight, which is said to cause dryness and wrinkles. Interestingly, this tradition actually dates back much further than the current temple structure – to the time when Lord Venkateswara was still a devotee of Vishnu and his consort, Mangala.

Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala

According to legend, during one of their many travels together, Vishnu and Mangala came to Tirumala Temple on a chariot pulled by horses. As they arrived, the rays of the setting sun shone directly onto Venkateswara’s eyes, causing them to swell and turn red. To avoid any further harm, Mangala instructed her husband to place a cloth over his eyes until their visit was finished. The custom of covering Lord Venkateswara’s eyes has been maintained ever since – and it’s now one of the most important traditions at the temple.

So why do pilgrims continue to follow this custom? While some say it’s out of respect for the deity, others believe it’s because they believe it helps keep Venkateswara’s eyes healthy and free from infection. Whatever the reason, the tradition of Tiruvannamalai darshanam is an important part of the temple experience for pilgrims from all over the world.

After reading this article you know Why were the eyes of Lord Venkateswara covered in Tirumala.


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