Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed

Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed

Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed – There are many theories about why Lord Venkateswara‘s eyes are closed. Some say that it is because he is in deep meditation, while others believe that it is because he is trying to keep the world from being blinded by his divine beauty.

Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure – when you look at Lord Venkateswara’s closed eyes, you can’t help but feel a sense of calm and peace.

Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed

Who is lord Venkateswara?

Lord Venkateswara is known as the “Supreme God” in the Hindu religion. He is also known as “Srinivasa”, “Balaji”, and “Venkatachalapati”. Lord Venkateswara’s eyes are closed because he is in deep meditation. In this state, he is able to see the future and protect his devotees from harm.

What does it mean that Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed?

There are many interpretations of why Lord Venkateswara’s eyes are closed. Some say that it is because he is in deep meditation, while others believe that it is because he is lost in thought. Regardless of the reason, his closed eyes represent his deep connection to the divine.

The story of why his eyes are closed

As the story goes, once upon a time there was a great demon king named Hiranyakashipu. He was very powerful and could not be defeated by anyone. He had a son named Prahlada who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Even though Hiranyakashipu tried to dissuade Prahlada from worshipping Vishnu, nothing worked. In fact, Prahlada’s devotion to Vishnu only grew stronger.

Hiranyakashipu then decided to kill Prahlada but every time he tried, Vishnu protected Prahlada. Finally, Hiranyakashipu asked Prahlada where Vishnu was. When Prahlada replied that Vishnu was everywhere, Hiranyakashipu struck him with his sword. However, instead of dying, Prahlada turned into a pillar of fire.

From the pillar of fire emerged Lord Vishnu in the form of Narasimha (half-man, half-lion). He then killed Hiranyakashipu and saved Prahlada. After killing Hiranyakashipu, Narasimha’s eyes were closed with the heat of his anger.

The moral of the story

Lord Venkateswara is a popular deity in Hinduism, and his story is a popular legend. The moral of the story is that Lord Venkateswara’s eyes are closed because he is in deep meditation. He is said to be meditating on the ultimate truth, and his eyes are closed so that he can focus on his inner thoughts and feelings.

When we close our eyes in meditation, we too can focus on our inner thoughts and feelings. By doing so, we can connect with our higher selves and connect with the divine.

How this story relates to real life that Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed?

The story of Lord Venkateswara’s closed eyes is a reminder that we should not take our material possessions for granted. In the story, Lord Venkateswara is a deity who has everything he could ever want or need, but he is not content.

He realizes that the only way to be truly happy is to give up everything he has and live a life of simplicity. This message is relevant to our lives today because we are often so focused on acquiring things that we forget what truly matters in life. We would do well to remember Lord Venkateswara’s story and strive for a life of contentment, rather than chasing after things that will never make us truly happy.

Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed


Why lord Venkateswara eyes are closed – There are many theories as to why Lord Venkateswara’s eyes are closed, but the most likely reason is that it symbolizes his all-seeing nature. As the lord of seven worlds and the protector of humankind, he sees everything and knows all. His closed eyes represent his omniscience, and by keeping them shut he shows us that we can always turn to him for guidance and protection.

After reading this article you know Why lord Venkateswara’s eyes are closed.


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